Pelvic floor & core
Hypopressives - Core, Pelvic Floor and Postural Training. Workshops & 1 to 1 sessions in Poole.
As many as 1 in 3 women suffer from bladder leaks aka incontinence. Incontinence can affect our whole lifestyle from avoiding high impact exercises (running, fitness classes even situps), to planning your daily outings around toilet stops. While kegels & pelvic floor exercises are great, they are only tightening your pelvic floor in one way, they are a bit like holding your arm at the top of a bicep curl rather than working it through the whole range of movement. We need our pelvic floor to work with our whole body. Hypopressives is whole body system of training. Which uses breathing and postural techniques to create positive changes in your core, pelvic floor and posture. It has been used popularly by women after childbirth in Spain, since the 1980s and it has also been gaining awareness in Canada more recently. Are you looking for a new way to help restore your Pelvic Floor? Do you suffer with any of the following
Who will benefit from Hypopressives training?
FAQSHow do Hypopressives work?
We are using a ‘core focused’ rib cage or lateral thoracic (Pilates breath) breath pattern to improve the connection & engagement from your diaphragm to your core down to your Pelvic Floor. Your pelvic floor mirrors the movement of your diaphragm - yes, it should move! Having a poor breathing pattern & poor posture can result in back pain, diastasis recti, neck pain, headaches. We are working in neutral spine to increase your postural strength which also keeps your ribs & hips aligned which also allows for that good breathing habit which allows for your Pelvic Floor to relax & contract. They are also known as Abdominal Gymnastics, Hypopressifs, Low Pressure Fitness or Low Pressure Breathing. We work in static neutral spine postures in Level 1. You will be standing, kneeling, seated & lying down (my favourite!). We add in a breath hold or apnea (stomach vacuum) which looks a bit like our Nauli Kriya or stomach churning from Yoga. WHO CAN BENEFIT FROM HYPOPRESSIVES?
Anyone who suffers from any of the following
Can I check to see if I can benefit from Hypopressives?
Yes! Start out with this simple test to see if you are exerting pressure outward or downward when coughing. Place one hand on the perineum (the area between the anus and genitals) and one on the belly. Cough - do you feel your tummy or perineum press out/down? If so, yes you can benefit! Check with your doctor or a Women's Health Physio so that you are sure that it is nothing more serious. Are there any contraindications?
Yes. With the following contraindications you can practice the postures & basic breathing, but avoid the vacuum & possibly the breath hold. ❤︎ Uncontrolled high blood pressure ❤︎ Heart conditions ❤︎ Pregnancy ❤︎ Gut issues (IBS/IBD/Chrons) - avoid during a flare up due to possible discomfort HYPOPRESSIVES BENEFITS INCLUDE:
I am Pre and Post Natal qualified. Please contact me to arrange a workshop or 1 to 1 training. WorkshopsHypopressives Introductory Workshops
Workshop 1 When: Sunday 6 June 2021 Time: 09:30 to 11:30 Location: Zoom or In person in Poole Cost: £30 Maximum of 6 people per workshop Come and find out how Hypopressives can help you in a short workshop. Fantastic for posture, back pain and general wellbeing but also proven results with prolapse, pelvic floor dysfunction, hernia prevention, incontinence and diastasis recti. Hypopressives is also known as Low Presssure Fitness. These workshops go more in-depth than my classes. Come and find out how to ❤︎ Reduce embarrassing leaks ❤︎ Feel more stable ❤︎ Create a strong core and prevent the need for surgery Pre-booking is required due to limited spaces. Please call or message me for more information, including full event location. |
HoursM-S: 9am - 9pm